Восприимчивость к заражению эктопаразитическими инфузориями гибридов карповых рыб на ранних этапах развития

Susceptibility of hybrids of cyprinid fish to ectoparasitic infusoria infection at early stages of development



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Аннотация (alternative)

The viability of bream Abramis brama L. and roach Rutilus rutilus L. F1 hybrids at early stages of their development is analysed. During embryogenesis, significant stages (blastula–gastrula and hatching) are revealed by the amount of losses. At the stage of fingerlings, the viability of F1 hybrids significantly exceeds that of pure species, which points to the heterozygous effect according to the parameters of hybrid survival for the first generation, which is absent in embryogenesis. Under experimental conditions (9.7 – 10.3 mm specimens) normal levels of infection by Trichodina reticulata (Peritrichida, Trichodinidae) were lower in the samples of roach×bream (10.0 % prevalence) and bream× roach (13.8 %) in comparison with roach and bream samples: 19.2 and 18.4%, respectively.

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Библиографическое описание

Тютин А. В., Слынько Ю. В., Слынько Е. Е., Медянцева Е. Н. Восприимчивость к заражению эктопаразитическими инфузориями гибридов карповых рыб на ранних этапах развития // Школа по теоретической и морской паразитологии. VII Всероссийская конференция : тез. докл. – Севастополь, 2019. – С. 58.