Паразиты рыб Баренцева моря: прикладные аспекты изучения

Fish parasites of the Barents Sea: applied study aspects



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The parasites of fish from the Barents Sea have been studied for over a century. The data from the early and middle last century are not numerous and fragmentary. Parasitological studies of fish became planned and systematic after a special laboratory had been arranged in PINRO in 1973. By now, 235 parasite species related to 10 types have been found in 91 fish species from the Barents Sea. Ecological and parasitological studies of some commercial fish were made in order to reveal parasites-indicators of their intraspecific structure. The applied parasitological studies are foreground. They have got an integral part of multigun research on biological resources of seas in the North European Basin. In the fishing areas, parasitological monitoring is carried out to solve the problems of infected fish food utilization and to determine their correspondence to the requirements of regulations in respect of parasite pureness and the conditions providing neutralization of deleterious parasites.

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Библиографическое описание

Современные проблемы теоретической и морской паразитологии : сборник научных статей / ред.: К. В. Галактионов, А. В. Гаевская. – Севастополь : Изд-ль Бондаренко Н. Ю., 2016. –242 с.