Характеристики зоны взаимодействия сероводород — кислород в Черном море

Characteristics of the O2-H2S interaction zone in the Black Sea


Аннотация (alternative)

Information technology for setting up an electronic atlas, data base and for exploring the O2/H2S interaction zone in the Black Sea is discussed. A relationship of location of the specific isopycnic layer and the upper boundary of the anoxia water has been determined from the averaged long-standing data. The paper emphasizes the principal role of hydrophysical and hydrologic factors in global processes responsible for interannual variability of the location of the H2S-zone’s upper boundary.

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Библиографическое описание

Еремеев В. Н., Суворов А. М., Халиулин А. Х., Годин Е. А., Богданова Н. В. Характеристики зоны взаимодействия сероводород — кислород в Черном море // Доповiдi НАН Украiни. - 1995. - № 3. - С. 76-79.