Баланс вещества и энергии у веслоногих раков (Copepoda) в тропических апвеллингах



Аннотация (alternative)

The food requirements of copepods in upwelling areas are satisfied mainly at the expense of bacteria, protozoans and algae, at maximum consumption greatly exceeding the expenditure of energy on respiration. The rations of copepods in upwelling areas are very big (68-322% of body weight). Predation or its absence in copepods does not influe on the size of the rations. Owing to the rich food supply in the surface layer of the upwelling zone the organisms feed during the entire 24-hour period with no definite rhythm. The duration of food digestion within the area investigated is relatively constant and low, but when the concentration of food objects is maximal (10 g/m3), the time of digestion decreases and the ratio of assimilation of different foods drops sometimes to negligibly small values (1%). The composition of the unassimilated portion of the ration varies depending on the ratio of food consumption and food assimilation. When animals assimilate mainly vegetable food or when all the food objects are assimilated in an equal measure, solid excretions are 2-5 times more abundant than fluid ones. In those animals assimilating maturity animal of bacterial food fluid excretions are more abundant than solid ones or equal to them. Average assimilation was found to be low (34%) when detritus from a mixture of food objects was consumed, owing to a high ash content, and consequently, solid excretions were prevailing. When dissolved organic matter from an analogous mixture was consumed, assimilation was twice higher, due to a very low ash content and the quantity of solid excretions was very small too. The general increase of food concentration in the upwelling zone favors avery rapid increase of body weight, which exceeds by 2,5 times the energy expenditures on respiration. In oligotrophic regions a reverse relationship is observed.

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Библиографическое описание

Петипа Т. С., Монаков А. В., Сорокин Ю. И., Волошина Г. В., Кукина И. В. Баланс вещества и энергии у веслоногих раков (Copepoda) в тропических апвеллингах // Тр. ИОАН СССР. - 1975. - Т. 102. - С. 335-350.