О состоянии и перспективах изучения гельминтофауны рыб южных морей

On the state and prospects of research into the South Seas fish helminthofauna


Аннотация (alternative)

At present the Soviet fishing fleet has been engaged in an intensive fishery in southern parts of the Atlantic ocean. However, the fish of this region has been insufficiently studied in the helminthological respect. In 1962-1963 and 1965 the Institute of Biology of Southern Seas organized expeditions to this region. As a result 1316 specimens of 40 fish species were examined. 91,4% of the fishes appeared to be infected with various helminths. 100% of sphyrenes proved to be infected with cestode larvae localized in fish muscle, this making the fish inedible. Further investigations of the fish helminthofauna of the Atlantic ocean will promote a detailed evaluation of the distribution and peculiarities of the helminths and adequate assessment of the harm they do.

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Библиографическое описание

Николаева В. М., Парухин А. М., Долгих А. В., Ковалева А. А., Найденова Н. Н. О состоянии и перспективах изучения гельминтофауны рыб южных морей // Известия АН СССР. Сер. биол. - 1966. - № 6. - С. 887-890.