«3Д-Динофлагеллята» - компьютерная программа для обработки мониторинговых данных о динофитовых водорослях

3D-Dinoflagellata - The computer program for processing monitoring data of dinoflagellates




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Севастополь: ЭКОСИ-Гидрофизика


Аннотация (alternative)

"3D-Dinoflagellata" is a computer program for the calculation of dinoflagellates biovolumes and surface areas. Geometric models that simulate dinoflagellates thecae shapes are used for the calculations. They consist of solid stereometric and three-dimensional objects. The models are thoroughly fitted to microorganisms shapes. Unusual shapes are constructed from microalgae outlines by algorithms of 3d-modelling. Every model is accompanied by schematic drawing where locations of measurements are shown. "3D-Dinoflagellata" keeps list of dinoflagellata species. One or more geometric models are associated with every species. Models are differ in composition of geometric objects and accuracy of calculations. It is possible to select a model by its shape or by specific name of microalgae. The program prompts which species resemble selected model, and which models suit to selected species. The models imitate the oblateness of dinoflagellata thecae. The value of oblateness is assigned by the coefficient of ellipticity. It is no necessity to find theca thickness. Thickness of dinoflagellata theca is calculated as the product of theca breadth and coefficient of ellipticity. "3D-Dinoflagellata" is smart, precise, knows two languages and can be downloaded from web-site: 3d-microalgae.org.

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Библиографическое описание

Лях А. М. «3Д-Динофлагеллята» - компьютерная программа для обработки мониторинговых данных о динофитовых водорослях // Материалы молодежной науч.-практ. конф. «Экологические проблемы Азово-Черноморского региона и комплексное управление прибрежной зоной» (29 сентября – 5 октября 2014 г.). – Севастополь: ЭКОСИ-Гидрофизика, 2014. – С. 72-75.