Накопление кобальта-57 и железа-55 некоторыми зоопланктонными организмами Средиземного моря

Accumulation of Co⁵⁷ and Fe⁵⁵ by some zooplankton organisms of the Mediterranean Sea



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Киев : Наук. думка


Аннотация (alternative)

Among the studied zooplankters of the Mediterranean Sea the Copepoda representatives serve as bioindicators of Fe and Co radioisotopes. Their whole vital cycle occurs in the biotope attached to the water surface. These organisms are widely distributed in the Pacific Ocean, they are the first to interact with the radioactive falls and might be of great importance in the transfer of Co and Fe radionuclides from the surface microhorizon of the sea to the water thickness and bottom.

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Библиографическое описание

Бенжицкий А.Г., Сажина Л.И. Накопление кобальта-57 и железа-55 некоторыми зоопланктонными организмами Средиземного моря // Радиохемоэкологические исследования в Средиземном море. – Киев: Наук. думка, 1975. – С. 36-40. https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/7851