Bottom vegetation at some sites of coastal salt lake Donuzlav (the Black Sea)



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Севастополь: ЭКОСИ-Гидрофизика


Впервые дана характеристика видового состава и количественного соотношения макрофитов в фитоценозах морских трав лимана Донузлав, где более 30 лет ведется интенсивная добыча песка. Описано 17 видов водорослей и 4 вида цветковых растений, в растительном покрове доминируют сообщества рдеста и зостеры. Современное состояние макрофитобентоса в районах повышенной антропогенной нагрузки сопоставимо с другими заливами и бухтами Черного моря.

Аннотация (alternative)

The species composition and quantitative proposition of mactophytes in seagrass phytocenoses of coastal salt lake Donuzlav (the Black Sea) have been described for the first time. 17 algae and 4 seagrass species were described; pondweed and Zostera communities dominate in the bottom vegetation, their total biomass amounting to 2200 g.m-2.. Maximum abundance of Zostera spp. and pondweed are 448 and 1280 spec.m-2, correspondingly. In sites of the lake with enhanced anthropogenic impact Z. marina communities are dominant. This species is intensively reproducing (both vegetative and sexual reproduction). For the recent 15 years bottom vegetation of the lake has changed considerably, formerly dominant charophytic communities have been replaced by seagrass phytocenoses; Flora typical for shallow bights and bays of the Black Sea is developed in Donuzlav. Current state of macrophytobentos from the areas of increased anthropogenic impact is comparable with that in largest bights and bays of the Black Sea.

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Экология моря. - 1999. - Вып. 49