Содержание Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd в гонадах культивируемых Mytilus galloproincialis Lam.

Contents of Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd in gonads of cultivated mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis Lam.



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Показана сезонная изменчивость содержания Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb в гонадах самцов и самок. Концентрация РЬ увеличивалась с ростом массы генеративной ткани моллюска, вариабельность этого показателя выше у самцов. Медь в генеративной ткани самок содержалась в меньшем количестве, по сравнению с самцами, но её концентрирование стабильно на всех изучаемых стадиях гаметогенеза. Выявлены положительная корреляция между содержанием цинка и кадмия и отрицательная между содержанием цинка и свинца в гонадах мидий.

Аннотация (alternative)

Variability of the cadmium, zinc, lead and copper contents in generative of a tissues of the Black Sea mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis depending on a sex and stage of maturity gonad mussel Is investigated. Weight of gonad cultivated mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis at transition from 3 to 4- grew in 1.5 - 1.7 times. The differences in weight parameters on a sex in the autumn period were observed. The seasonal variability of the contents of Zn, Cu, Cd, in gonad mussel of mollusks of both sex, with increase of their concentration during a years(summer) season is established. The concentration of heavy metals in generative tissues of mussels decreased in the following sequence Zn → Cu → Pb → Cd. The high contents of zinc in gonad, and also negative dependence between the contents of zinc and weight of gonad (r2= 0. 51, P<0.05) are marked. The Pb concentration was increased with growth of weight of the mollusks' generative tissues, variability of this parameter was higher in males. The contents of copper in generative tissues are less in females in comparison with males, but its concentrating is stable at all studied stages. According to our accounts, there is a precise positive correlation between the contents of zinc and cadmium, r2 =0.73, P<0.01, and negative interrelation between the contents of zinc and lead, r2 =0.60, P<0.01.

Ключевые слова

тяжёлые металлы, вариабельность, мидия, гонады

Библиографическое описание

Морской экологический журнал. - 2005. - Отдельный выпуск, № 1. https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/843