Peculiarities of the Atlantic Ocean copepod reproduction



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Киев : Наукова думка


Обобщены частично ранее опубликованные результаты изучения размножения 45 видов копепод из Южноатлантического антициклонального круговорота. Пересмотрена ранее применяемая терминология, установлена связь величин кладок с температурой, пищей и массой тела самок на уровне отряда, рассчитаны генеративные приросты и выяснена роль отдельных видов в образовании генеративной продукции.

Аннотация (alternative)

The results of studies in reproduction of 45 copepod species from the southern anticyclonic water cycle are generalized coming from the author's own data. As to reproduction indices all the species are divided into three groups. Copepods of the 1st group are characterized by low absolute (8-25 specimens) and relative (10%) quantities of ovipositions, long period of their development (4-6 days), low reproduction rate (1.6-3 eggs·day-1), low absolute (0.006-0.03 mg·day-1) and specific (1-33%) increases. They are represented by species of the genera Euchaeta: Oithona, Miracia. Copepods of the 2nd group are characterized by variable values of absolute and relative ovipositions. Absolute quantities of ovipositions may have an order difference amounting to great values in eutrophic regions of the ocean (10-100 specimens). The period of oviposition development is short (0.5-2 days), the reproduction rate is high (58-150 specimens·day-1 in eutrophic regions) as well as a generative increase: 0.010-0.124 mg·day-1 (absolute) and 1-30% (specific). Represented mostly by Calanoida. The 3rd group has much higher absolute and relative oviposition values than those of the first two groups (106-150 specimens tnd 10%). The period of oviposition development is long (4-6 days) the reproduction rate is higher than that of the 1st group but lower than that of the 2nd group (9-30 specimens·day-1), generative increases are very low (0.0004-0.003 mg·day-1 and 1—2%). Represented by Oncaea, Coryceus and Sapphirina.

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Экология моря. - 1982. - Вып. 11 https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/3517