Влияние фракции до 5 кДа из мозга холодоадаптированных рыб на жизнеспособность карася серебряного в условиях холодового стресса

Influence of fraction less than 5 kD from brain of cold-adapted fish on viability of the goldfish under cold stress conditions


Аннотация (alternative)

The data on the influence of the fraction less than 5 kD from brain of the cold-adapted goldfish Carassius auratus upon viability and energetic indices in the fish during cold stress in summer are presented. Exposure at 5-6 °C in summer resulted in death of the fish on the 3rd-5th% day and in a significant drop in the LDH activity, as well as in an increase in lactate and pyruvate contents. It has been shown that the fraction less than 5 kD provided the survival of the fish during the cold acclimation in summer up to 9 days and promoted a reduction in the ATP level, as well as changes in the LDH activity and lactate and pyruvate quantities towards the normalization of these parameters.

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Библиографическое описание

Гулевский А. К., Грищенко В. И., Релина Л. И., Грищенкова Е. А., Погожих Е. Г., Сысоева И. В., Сысоев А. А. Влияние фракции до 5 кДа из мозга холодоадаптированных рыб на жизнеспособность карася серебряного в условиях холодового стресса // Доповiдi НАН Украiни. - 2009. - № 11. - С. 155-159. https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/10468