On the quantitative relationship between survival rate of larvae and their food supply




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The survival rate of fishes in their earlier stages of development and the influencing factors present one of the most fundamental problems of fish population dynamics. After I. Hjort's (Cons. L.'explor. Ner.,20, 3–228, 1914) work, there have been many investigators in this field and there is no doubt about the very important role of ova and larvae mortality in the fate of a given fish generation. Less clear are the ideas concerning factors determining the high mortality of fishes in their earlier stages of development; especially the factor of food supply of larvae during the period of transition to exogenic nutrition. The value of this factor has been estimated differently from different points of view. For example, R. J. H. Beverton and S. J. Holt (On the Dynamics of Exploited Fish Population, 1957) have given to the food supply factor its deserved importance. On the other hand, T. V. Dekhnik (Trudy Sevastopolskoi Biologicheskoi Stantsii,13, 216–244, 1960;Ibid.,14, 222–243, 1961) has proved in her investigations that at least for pelagic larvae of Black Sea fishes there is an excessive amount of food, and that therefore food cannot play an important role in larva survival. Not wanting to stop to review the literature of the problem (see Dekhnik,Trudy Sevastopolskoi Biologicheskoi Stantsii,13, 216–244, 1960), we will only remark that the problem as a whole needs further investigation. Not only new data are needed, but also methods for following up analysis have to be worked out.

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Библиографическое описание

On the quantitative relationship between survival rate of larvae and their food supply / V. S. Ivlev // Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics. –– 1965. –– Vol. 27, spec. iss. –– P. 215–222.