К вопросу об использовании зоопланктона северо-западной части Черного моря пелагическими рыбами

On the consumption of zooplankton by some pelagic fishes in the north-western Black Sea



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Consumption of zooplankton by pelagic fishes such as anchovy, sprat and mackerel is discussed based on the observations carried out near the Dnieper’s mouth – the highly productive area of the northwestern Black Sea. Increasing by autumn, the rate of zooplankton grazing by the pelagic fishes together with water regime provoke a decrease of biomass produced by main fodder organisms (prey) and, consequently, of the total zooplankton biomass. Irrespective of season of the year, the fish show distinct food selectivity by giving preference to larger prey organisms and their older developmental stages. Studying how the loss of zooplankton due to grazing by the fish depends on seasonal dynamics of the prey discloses cause-and-effect relationship between behaviour of the fish and changes in the biota that can facilitate the forecast about occurrence and distribution of commercial fish shoals.

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