Фитопланктонные сообщества поверхностных вод разных климатических зон мирового океана

Phytoplankton Communities of the Surface Waters of Different Climatic Zones of the Ocean



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Аннотация (alternative)

Data are presented concerning the size, taxonomic and quantitative structure of the phytoplankton communities of surface waters in four climatic zones of the World Ocean. The results have been obtained using the up-to-date counting techniques. The structure of phytocenoses in the tropical and subtropical zones proved to be practically identical, with some differences only, in phytoplankton abundance. The Subantarctic and Antarctic phytocenoses substantially differed both from the communities of other zones and between themselves in all the structure parameters.

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Библиографическое описание

Сеничкина Л. Г., Микаэлян А. С., Георгиева Л. В. Фитопланктонные сообщества поверхностных вод разных климатических зон мирового океана // Гидробиологический журнал. - 1993. - Т. 29, № 3. - С. 15-21.