Баркодинг популяций и верификация жизненных циклов диплостом (Trematoda: Diplostomatidae) Беларуси

The barcoding of populations and verification of Diplostome (Trematoda: Diplostomidae) life cycles in Belarus


Аннотация (alternative)

Species diversity of diplostomes (Trematoda: Diplostomidae) from four reservoirs in Belarus was for the first time investigated by using sequences of barcode region of the cox1 mitochondrial gene obtained from the different life-cycle stages of parasite. Six species of Diplostomum were found (D. pseudospathaceum, D. spathaceum, D. mergi 2, D. sp. LIN2, D. sp. LIN4, D. sp. LIN6). New data on the first and second intermediate host species as well as definite host ones for three diplostome species D. mergi, D. sp. LIN2 and D.sp. LIN4 are obtained also in our study.

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Библиографическое описание

Современные проблемы теоретической и морской паразитологии : сборник научных статей / ред.: К. В. Галактионов, А. В. Гаевская. – Севастополь : Изд-ль Бондаренко Н. Ю., 2016. –242 с.