Использование белка, липидов и потребление кислорода смаридой при активном плавании

Using of proteins, lipids and oxygen consumption by the Piekaerel (Smarida smaris) in the process of active swimming



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Аннотация (alternative)

The loss of energy by the fish Spicara maena in the process of swimming with editional loading had been determinated in hydrodinamical respirometer. Two methods — oxygen consumption measuring and determination of basic energetic substances (proteins and lipids) loss — were used. Comparative indices are near. When the Fish sweems actively with middle speed 50 cm • sec-1 during 3 hours the loss of energy on the movement is equal 1,91 cal • g-1 • h-1 by oxygen indice and 2,2 cal • g-1 • h-1 by biochemical indice (in musculs). Part of proteins in general energetic production is 85, part of lipids — 15%.

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Библиографическое описание

Использование белка, липидов и потребление кислорода смаридой при активном плавании / Щепкин В. Я., Белокопытин Ю. С., Минюк Г. С., Шульман Г. Е. // Гидробиологический журнал. – 1994. –Т. 30, No 3. – С. 58–61.