Коллекция паразитов рыб Мирового океана ИМБИ РАН как инструмент верификации данных по биоразнообразию паразитарных компонент морских сообществ

The collection of fish parasites from the World Ocean of IMBR RAS as a tool for verification data on the biodiversity of parasitic components of marine communities


Аннотация (alternative)

Website with the information on the IMBR Collection of Marine Parasites (marineparasites.org), including the electronic catalogue of the collection, the taxonomic database and the repository of publications about species of fish parasites, was created. The website provides an interactive interface to access the above listed resources. The site reports specific information to professional researchers of parasites, but ideas it is based on, allow to develop it into a resource on collections of any organisms and diversity of flora and fauna of any regions. English language of interface facilitates that more researchers can obtain information on the collection of marine parasites maintained by the Institute of Marine Biological Research RAS and helps to integrate it into the international web resources on biodiversity. The functioning of the website is based on four entities related to each other: a collection object, specimens, taxa and publication. Each entity corresponds to a database table which is filled in by the administrator. During filling the tables, the system automatically creates connections between collection samples, their type and taxonomic status and other attributes. Visitors of the site can make requests using filters and get a complete representation on the collection.The system assigns every organism a meaningful unique number. The number allows identifying the taxonomic group, type status of the specimens and amount of these exemplars on the slide. By the number, the samples of the same species can be select and numbers of the slides, where they are located, can be determined. The proposed principles of numbering can be modified and applied for any collection of biological objects.Webpage with taxon description consists of traditional data on the systematic position of the species, its synonyms, description and images. Indicator of the presence of samples of the species in the collection, a list of attributes of collection exemplars and their numbers, publications that mention this species, type locality and host of the parasite as well as other regions and hosts of its finding are located on the page of the parasite species. Lists of the species parasitising fishes are formed on the host species page. Thus, the user follows from the descriptions of the parasite species to their hosts, from the collection samples to their images and taxonomic diagnosis, publications on this parasite and inversely.Bibliographic database (repository) contains references and original texts of the articles with descriptions of parasitic species. Bibliographic records are associated with taxa mentioned in the publications. This helps a visitor of the website to find species which are referred to in the article. Reciprocal links allow user also see the publications that mention parasite on the page of its species in the taxonomic database. A useful addition is the presence of transliterated bibliographic references to the articles in Russian what helps foreigners to use the repository and properly cite this work in publications.Project is supported by RFBR Grant No 15-29-02684 ofi-m.

Ключевые слова

Библиографическое описание

Современные проблемы теоретической и морской паразитологии : сборник научных статей / ред.: К. В. Галактионов, А. В. Гаевская. – Севастополь : Изд-ль Бондаренко Н. Ю., 2016. –242 с.