Элементы энергетического баланса амфибионтного бокоплава Orchestria bottae M.-Edw. (Amphipoda-Talitroidea)

Elements of energy balance in the amphipod Orchestia bottae Mil.- Edw. (Amphipoda-Talitroidea)



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Biologiya morya


The article deal with the investigations of some parameters in determining the quantitative contribution of 0. bottae to energy turnover at inshore zone of the Black Sea. This species was studied at different stages of its life from July 1962 to June 1963. The received data show that the mean value of food consumption (R) ranged from 17.5 to 77.3% of body weight per day. The efficiency of assimilation (a) during feeding with dead Cystoseira were in the range from 31 to 51%. The relation between the weight of Orchestia (W) and its rate of oxygen consumption (Q) at 20°C is expressed by equation Q=0,243 W^0,74. The energy utilized for growth (G) was estimated by the growth curve received empirically and calculated at the same time on the level of respiration. The growth was converted to units of energy according to caloricity of Orchestia (4,7 Kcal/g). It shows that the gross efficiency of growth ( G/R ) Orchestia ranging in weight from 9 to 80 mg decreased in average from 30 to 8%, the net efficiency of growth (G/aR ) from 60 to 30%.

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